511th Fighter Squadron
The 511th Fighter Squadron is the original squadron of the 1st Air Expeditionary Wing. Formed in Spring of 2021, the 511th FS was born out of a desire to simulate the most authentic and immersive A-10C pilot experience possible within the confines of DCS World.

The 511th FS trains for the following missions:
Close Air Support (CAS)
Combat Search & Rescue (CSAR/Sandy)
Battlefield Air Interdiction (BAI)
Strike Coordination and Reconnaissance (SCAR)
Primitive Field / Forward Arming and Refueling (FARP) Ops
Forward Air Controller - Airborne (FAC-A)
The 511th FS training program is multiple modules isolating skills necessary to be an A-10 Pilot, from basic airmanship to weapons employment. New pilots are expected to bring working knowledge of their aircraft and be able to conduct a cold start, taxi, takeoff, and landing.